In an online consumer privacy survey conducted by GetApp in 2022, over 1,000 adult Canadian consumers who shopped online at least once a month actively participated. The results clearly indicate that consumers expect companies to protect their personal information, & their decision to transact with a business is influenced by its data protection practices.
Interesting findings from the survey that businesses should pay attention to include:
33% of respondents said that they are concerned about the data privacy practices of online companies.
41% of respondents said that companies are responsible for online privacy.
79% of those surveyed indicated that consumers consider a company's data privacy practices into their decision about whether to do business with it. 19% of consumers "always" researched a company's data privacy reputation before transacting with it.
67% agreed to share their personal information with a business if it would result in better & more efficient service or products. The willingness to share personal information was influenced by the type of information being disclosed.
Over half of respondents – 56% - stated they would prefer to pay for a service than share personal information.
A slight majority of consumers – 56% - surveyed indicated they were confident that their personal information was secure when provided to an online company. However, 33% disagree somewhat, & 10% strongly disagreed. Only 7% stated that they had strong confidence in the security of their information.
A company can no longer ignore its data protection management & protection practices. Failure to have a privacy management program in place could cost the company sales & a loss of client confidence.
Privacy Protection in Canada.