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Empower and Optimize Your Business With PIAs

Empower and Optimize Your Business With PIAs
Empower and Optimize Your Business With PIAs

Empower and Optimize Your Business With PIAs

The proliferation of data protection regulations can often leave organizations exhausted with the measures they have to put in place. Ensuring user data protection is a task that cannot be left as the last point on a checklist, but one that needs a thorough and proactive approach.  LightBeam bridges that gap with a seamless application of the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) process.

What Are PIAs And Why Are They Essential?

Think of them similar to a security scan which detects viruses and weaknesses in computer systems. Similarly, The Privacy Impact Assessment is a tool that helps in assessing an organization’s handling of personal data and identifies potential risks. PIA’s aid in identifying and mitigating potential threats to user privacy throughout the entire data lifecycle, and data breaches. PIA’s are an advantageous measure to help protect the organization, along with being a mandate under many data privacy regulations like the GDPR. Regularly conducted PIAs are necessary to manage the use of PIAs and to avoid regulatory fines. PIA’s also build trust and foster a sense of loyalty with your users by showcasing a commitment to security and safety regarding the processing of personal information.

What are the technicalities of a PIA?

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies - To understand the risks lurking undetected it is crucial to analyze and identify situations that could lead to such risks developing. Risk assessments are paramount for developing immediate and effective strategies to combat breaches and identify potential risks. 

Documentation - It’s important to document the entire PIA process  for audit and future references.

How do businesses benefit from implementing PIA’s? 

  • By ensuring adherence to the various global data privacy regulations and avoidance of  fines. 

  • By identifying potential threats and risks businesses can protect themselves from data breaches.  

  • By including PIA’s in your cybersecurity arsenal, you build trust and loyalty with your consumers demonstrating that you value the safety of their data.  

How can businesses benefit from conducting PIA’s with LightBeam?

Any organization/business that collects personal information  should be  conducting PIA’s. This includes businesses of all sizes, government agencies, and even non-profit organizations. Data is the currency for progress these days, and protecting your users’ data is a core pillar that needs attention for businesses of all scales and sizes. 

LightBeam offers your business a conglomeration of Data Security, Privacy, and Governance tools into one integrated platform. It will modernize your business, whether it be by discovering sensitive data with one-click workflows or by ensuring your sensitive data is not fragmented and at a risk of data breaches. LightBeam can also help your business in cataloging sensitive information across structured and unstructured applications.  

You can use LightBeam to:

  • Develop a PIA Process: Establishing a clear and repeatable process for conducting PIA’s within your organization.

  • Seek Guidance: Use for automating processes and ensuring compliance, while simultaneously making the process easier to use . 

  • Prioritize Convenience: Manually conducting PIA’s can be tedious and also leave room for errors. LightBeam can step in and with its multitude of tools help you conduct and streamline the process by automating it. 

  • Effortless Compliance with Privacy Ops: Leverage PrivacyOps to simplify navigating the complexities of various data privacy regulations. 

  • Automation Advantage with Spectra: automates the entire PIA process, saving you valuable time and resources.

  • Use LightBeam Spectra Data Discovery to get details on what all sensitive data elements are being collected at a data source level

  • Get details on if you have data subject information in your data sources and what are the data subject types.

  • Use Spectra to connect log repositories, ticketing systems, project management tools, emails, messaging platforms, etc. and label sensitive information. 

  • Clearly identify risks associated with access to your sensitive data, from both inside and outside your organization. You will also be automatically alerted in case of any unauthorized access or external sharing of data within seconds. 

  • Redact sensitive content as a part of your organization/business policy or on demand. Similarly, you will be able to additionally use archive and delete actions as deemed suitable. 

; Conducting PIA’s for Your Business/Organization

Conduct PIAs with LightBeam
Conduct PIAs with LightBeam

Let’s take a look at how LightBeam will empower you in conducting PIA’s:

Step 1: Tell Us About Your Business – Filling Out A Questionnaire

LightBeam has out of the box templates which will help to accelerate the PIA process. These templates have predefined questions with some default answers based on the regulation or process that you selected. You can add custom questions and add or update the answers that are preset. It’s convenient, time-saving and efficient!

Step 2: Submit the Questionnaire – Let LightBeam Review and Generate a Report

To begin the process individuals conducting the PIA are sent questions for their area of expertise. Once all questions have been answered the PIA is submitted for review and approval. Once it is reviewed and approved by an assigned user, the PIA is complete and a final report will be generated. 

Step 3: Voila! Your Detailed Assessment Report is Ready for Safe and Easy Access

The final report has all the details of the process including controller and processor information, data elements, data subject, retention period, safeguards and if there are any third party transfers being made, and the overall risks and remediations. Notably, all reports are kept in a report repository and can be accessed anytime and presented when needed for audits. 

Contact us today and let illuminate your path to a privacy-focused secure future for your business!

Click here to read more about, PrivacyOps, and a variety of unique modules LightBeam has to offer to optimize and grow your Business!


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