Don't Get Rocked: A Wake-Up Call for Better Security Practices
LightBeam Breach Response Service
Unauthorized data breaches pose significant risks to organizations. These breaches occur when bad actors gain access to sensitive or confidential information, including personal data or corporate data. The consequences for businesses can be severe, affecting their customers, employees, and business partners
Operationalize GDPR requirements
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
A Modern Approach to Breach Response
While traditional methods barely summarize the data that may be at risk, LightBeam uniquely catalogs not only the data but also the identities at risk due to the breach. LightBeam automates assessments of breach perimeter and identities involved leading to a quick, targeted and effective response strategy.
Breach Perimeter
Know WHAT data may be at risk across Cloud, SaaS and On-prem apps.
Breach Identity
See WHOSE data may have been impacted (customers, employees, vendors).
Breach Notification
Notify exactly the PEOPLE and PARTNERS who may have been impacted.